Roots Music Journey

Roots Music Journey
On our way to the Hopi Mesas!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

On the Road Again . . . but it is indeed winter!

Yes friends, we don't seem to have much winter in the Bay Area but in Utah and Arizona it is a different story. We had been watching the weather carefully and with snow predicted in Southern Utah we decided that a more southerly route to our next big stop in Santa Fe was in order. We had no idea how fruitful this would turn out.

Our first unplanned stop was at a classic tourist attraction just outside Kanab, Utah: Moqui Cave. This place is hard to describe but I can tell you that it is classic western kitsch, owned for generations by a Utah Mormon family that has collected rocks and minerals, dinasour footprints, arrowheads and an amazing assortment of Indian pottery and artifacts that no private owners should ever be able to claim. The clovis point collection takes the cake. (Pictures soon)

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