Roots Music Journey

Roots Music Journey
On our way to the Hopi Mesas!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We are almost ready to hit the road!

Hey folks its finally happening, we are almost ready to hit the road. My grand sabbatical trip is about to begin. My wife Kate Squire and I will be heading out in just a few short weeks for a 4 month Roots Music Journey across the Southern US.


  1. Awesome! You'll be my first blog to follow. Maybe you can post a google map of your route, add some of your photos and interviews & music jams along the way.

    Maybe you can start with a north coast Mendocino shakedown!


  2. Hi Glenn! Congrats on getting the trip together. I do wish I could come along. Your rig is totally cute and easy to park. Get lots of material and I'll have you on the radio when you get back. mary tilson

  3. This will be my first blog to follow too! Thinking of getting a USA map, posting it in staff development, and following you with those cute pins ... or is that too voodoo?
